engagement ethics

Notes and clarifications for those seeking services and collaborations.


COSTS: I have a sliding scale fee structure for my offerings. If cost is a prohibition, I am open to co-discerning what a feasible alternative could be. Contact me for more details.

TRAINING: I am trained as a chaplain and am training in spiritual direction. I am not a health professional and I am not licensed by a certifying board. If you need mental health treatment, please seek a clinical therapist.

PROCESS: I aim to be conscious and conscientious of dynamics around power, responsibility, boundaries, and confidentiality. I also recognize that conflict is natural and healthy, and am committed to restorative justice processes.

WELLBEING: I engage from a holistic wellbeing practice, which means I practice disability justice frameworks. I apply this for my self and for those I collaborate with and work for.

VIEWS: This website contains my opinions only and are not representative of the opinions of any organizations I am affiliated with.

CONTENT: If you decide to share any links, content, excerpts from this website that are authored by me, please attribute citation and credit Kristine Chong on jeong.care, including a hyperlink and/or cited attribution to the original site.